
営業日:月~土 定休日:日曜日



Erasmus+ is a European Union-funded program that provides opportunities for students, staff, and organizations to study, work, volunteer, and train across Europe. The program offers mobility grants to eligible candidates who wish to pursue higher education or engage in work-based learning in a different country.

The grant agreement is an essential component of the Erasmus+ program. The grant agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the funding provided by the program to the beneficiary institution or individual. The grant agreement is an official contract between the European Commission and the grant recipient, and it governs the use of the funds.

The grant agreement typically covers the period of the project and outlines the financial aspects of the grant, including the amount of funding, payment schedule, and reporting requirements. It also details the objectives and expected results of the project, as well as the roles and responsibilities of the beneficiary institution or individual.

For Erasmus+ mobility projects, the grant agreement usually covers the costs of travel, accommodation, and subsistence during the study or training period. The grant may also cover the costs of language classes, insurance, and other necessary expenses.

In order to receive the grant, the beneficiary institution or individual must comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the grant agreement. Failure to comply may result in the termination of the grant and the repayment of any funds already received.

Erasmus+ is one of the most significant mobility programs worldwide, and the grant agreement is an essential part of its infrastructure. Without the grant agreement, the program`s funding system would not be feasible, and the opportunities for students, staff, and organizations to engage in cross-border learning and training would be severely limited.

In conclusion, the grant agreement is a vital component of the Erasmus+ program, and it plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient use of the program`s funds. Prospective beneficiaries must comply with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement to receive the grant and benefit from the opportunities that the Erasmus+ program offers.




営業日:月~土 定休日:日曜日