
営業日:月~土 定休日:日曜日



The Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division has recently announced a new Model Timing Agreement (MTA) that is aimed at expediting antitrust investigations. This new MTA is expected to be implemented in all future antitrust investigations to avoid unnecessary delays and ensure a more efficient process.

The DOJ`s Antitrust Division is responsible for enforcing laws that promote competition and prevent antitrust violations. An antitrust investigation typically starts with a request for information (RFI), followed by a second request for information (SRI). The timing of these requests and the responses from the parties involved can often drag out the investigation process. This new MTA aims to streamline the process and avoid unnecessary delays.

Under the new MTA, the parties involved in an antitrust investigation will commit to specific deadlines for responding to RFIs and SRIs. This will ensure that the review process moves forward quickly and efficiently. The MTA also includes a provision for pre-merger consultations, which will allow parties to consult with the DOJ before a merger is finalized and avoid any potential antitrust concerns.

The MTA has been well-received by businesses and antitrust experts alike. It provides clear timelines and expectations for all parties involved in an antitrust investigation and ensures that the process is fair and efficient. The MTA is also a positive step for the DOJ in improving its processes and making antitrust investigations more effective.

The new MTA comes at a time when the issue of antitrust has become increasingly important. The DOJ has recently launched an investigation into major tech companies, including Amazon, Facebook, and Google, for potential antitrust violations. The MTA will be a key tool for the DOJ in ensuring that these investigations move forward quickly and efficiently.

In conclusion, the new DOJ Antitrust Division Model Timing Agreement is a positive step towards streamlining antitrust investigations. It will help to ensure that the review process moves forward quickly and efficiently, while providing clear timelines and expectations for all parties involved. As the DOJ continues to address antitrust concerns, this new MTA will be a valuable tool in ensuring that the process is fair and effective.




営業日:月~土 定休日:日曜日